
Hi everyone! My name is Nicole and I’m a stay at home mom, aspiring chef, and foodie! I created this blog to share some of my favorite recipes with you beautiful people!

I have a crazy passion for cooking, baking and eating. I love to make recipes I find my own, or to create my own recipes. I also like to try to recreate my favorite restaurant dishes. My hope is that I can help, even just a few people, to see that cooking at home is so much healthier for your family, that it costs so much less to feed your family, and also to help people realize how easy it is to make all this awesome food at home in your own kitchen.

I hope one day to be fluent in cuisines from all over the world, and to have a huge recipe stockpile to pass down to my kids when they grow up and go out on their own. Until then, I’m happy just being the Gourmet in Training. 🙂

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